Posts Tagged ‘ Build

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test ve Canlıya Geliştirmeler Nasıl Taşınır? 3- Build

Bu yazıda Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations için Visual Studio içinden yaptığımız geliştirmeleri Test ve Canlı ortamlara taşıyabilmek için gerekli olan Build işleminin nasıl yapılacağında bahsedeceğim. Build belli bir Branch üzerinden yapılması gerekiyor. Build tamamlandığında eğer hata yoksa bizim için Deployable Package üretecek. Kod taşıma için bu pakete ihtiyacımız var.

Build işlemini Visual Studio içinden değil de Azure DevOps üzerinden yapmalısınız. Admin hakları olan bir kullanıcı ile giriş yaptıktan sonra Pipelines tabını açıyoruz. LCS üzerinden Azure DevOps ayarlarını yaptığınızda Unified Operations platform – Build Main otomatik oluşacak. Bunu baz alacağız. Bizim bu ortamda sadece Main Branch olduğu için temel ayarlarında bir değişiklik yapmadan devam ediyorum.  Öncelikle nasıl çalıştırabileceğimize bakalım sonra diğer ayarlarını inceleriz.


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Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test ve Canlıya Geliştirmeler Nasıl Taşınır? 1- Geliştirme Yapıp Azure DevOps’a Gönderme.

Bu yazıda Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations için Visual Studio içinden yaptığımız geliştirmeleri nasıl Test ve Canlı ortamlara taşıyoruz anlatmaya çalışacağım. Tek bir yazıda toparlamayı düşünmüştüm ancak çok uzun olacağını fark ettim bu yüzden bölümlere ayırdım. Bu ilk yazıda sıfır bir geliştirme yapıp derleyeceğiz sonrasında geliştirme ortamımızda ilk testlerini yapacağız ve en son olarak ta yaptığımız geliştirmeyi Azure DevOps’a göndereceğiz. Bu serinin diğer yazılarından Azure DevOps’ta Build nasıl yapılır ve oluşan paketin teste ve canlıya nasıl taşınır anlatacağım.

Gelelim örneğimize. Basit bir sınıf yazıp çalıştırıldığında bilgi ekranı çıkmasını sağlayacağım. Sonrasında MenuItem oluşturup Menüye bağlayacağım. Önceki yazılarımda DmrWMS modelini ve DMRWms1 projesini oluşturmuştuk. Bu projeyi kullanacağım. Projemize sağ tıklayıp Add New Items diyoruz. Tipini Class seçip isim verip Add diyoruz.


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How to Move Developments to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test and Live Environments? 3- Build

How to Move Developments to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test and Live Environments? 3- Build

In this article, I will talk about how to perform the Build operation required to move the developments we made from Visual Studio for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to Test and Live environments. Build needs to be performed on a certain Branch. When Build is complete, if there is no error, it will generate a Deployable Package for us. We need this package for code migration.

You have to perform Build through Azure DevOps, not from Visual Studio. After logging in as a user with admin rights, open the Pipelines tab. Unified Operations platform – Build Main will be created automatically when you set Azure DevOps settings via LCS. We will take this as basis. Since our environment is only Main Branch, I continue without making any changes in the basic settings.  First let’s see how we can run it, then we will examine the other settings.


Click the Edit button from the ellipsis menu.


Build steps are listed.


If you want to build a different Branch, you need to change the Server path. We are making a change here.


You can right click and Disable steps that are not required at this time. I disabled the Deploy Reports step because I do not have a report development.


The main step is Build the solution. Our Branch path is here again. If you want to build a different Branch, you should change this as well.


Click Queue. Whn you click Run in the popup window, Build operation starts.


You can follow the Build steps.


If it completes with no errors, it will look like the following. If it gives errors, it is necessary to examine the logs and errors. Generally there are not very complex problems. There are cases such as missing reference, incorrect Check-in, but there may be situations that need to be further examined. You can open it by clicking on the record.


When you enter, all your previous Builds will be listed. You can view their status and information. The first record is our last Build, completed without error. Click to open it.


You can see details about the Build here. Click and open the relevant part (3 published).


Under Packages, Deployable Package starting with AxDeployableRuntime is created. We need to download it from here and upload it to the LCS. I will explain this in my next article.  At this stage, the Build operation is done. Now let’s look at how you can create a new Pipeline.


Main Pipelines are created by default. If you want to create them in other Branches, you either make all the definitions manually, which is very demanding, or you can use the Clone or Export features. For both cases, do not forget to change the path settings for the new Pipeline.


You can Import the Exported file from the following path again. Generally code is transferred to live environment from Main or Release Branch, and to test environment from Dev Branch. Of course, these are approaches that vary depending on the project and the team.


In this article, I tried to explain how Build is triggered through Azure DevOps. A machine is required for Build right now, but we will soon be able to do this thanks to an agent. It will be a faster and inexpensive solution. By completing this stage, we have reached the final stage in code migration. In my next article, I will explain how we deploy code over LCS.


Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps, Build, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM

How to Move Developments to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test and Live Environments? 1- Developing and Sending to Azure DevOps.

In this article, I will try to explain how to move the developments we made from Visual Studio for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to Test and Live environments. I thought of wrapping it up in a single article, but I realized it would be too long so I divided it into sections. In this first article, we will make a new development and compile it, then we will do the first tests in our development environment, and finally, we will send our development to Azure DevOps. In the other articles of this series, I will explain how to Build in Azure DevOps and how to move the package to test and live environments.

Let’s have a look at our example. I will write a simple class and make an information screen appear when it is run. Then I’ll create a MenuItem and connect it to the Menu. In my previous articles, we created the DmrWMS model and the DMRWms1 project. I will use this project. Right click on the project and click Add New Items. Select Class as its type, name it and click Add.


I added the following codes to the class. It has a very simple structure. I made it work on its own with Main. I gave an Info in the Run method.


Now let’s create the Menu Item that is necessary to run our class and add it to the menu. Select Action Menu Item from the Add New Items section, name it and click Add.


Select the Object Type Class from the resulting Menu Item properties. Select the class you created as Object. Do not forget to set Label as it will appear in the menu.


Let’s test the development now. Right click on the project and click Build.


If Build is completed without any errors, mark the Menu Item we created as Set as Startup Object and run it by clicking Start.


It called the Menu Item class and displayed the notification on the screen. Our code works J


Now we can add it to a menu. Since I want to add it to a standard menu, I must use Extension. I will explain the Extension logic in my next articles, but here you can think of it as an extension of the standard object. You can add new things without breaking the standard. I created an Extension of the AcountsPayable menu with the Create extension option, as shown in the picture.


I drag and drop my own Menu Item under PeriodicTask to the resulting menu.


I Build my project again and run it.  Build Test appears in the menu. Our development is almost ready to send to version control. Normally it is necessary to add security related objects here. I’m skipping them for now.


I click Team Explorer-> Panding Changes.


I should see all the objects I’ve created. If there is something missing, I need to add it with Add to Source Control. If you have followed me here, it will automatically add when the object is created. I add a comment and click Check In.


I click Yes to complete the process.


When I check my Azure DevOps project, I can see all my objects. I am now ready to run Build.


In this article, we have made the initial preparation to move developments to test and live environments. We created a simple project, performed the first tests and sent it to Azure DevOps. After this stage, if I had a Dev Branch, I had to perform Merge first. But in our example, since we work directly with main, we are ready to start Build. I will talk about how to perform Merge later.


TAGs: Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps,Build, Deploy to Test,  Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM